The final letter

I immediately called Liana and told her. She was so excited.
I had a fundraising dinner for work I had to attend at the University of Utah that same night so I dressed and went. I was so excited. I think people could tell I was so excited because they kept saying I seemed very happy during the event. The dinner was a success and so many people were so excited about the work we were doing for Smarter Parenting.
It was also officially announced that I was going to be the Director of Smarter Parenting that night. It was a surprise. Two great announcements in one day. It was like winning the lottery. It was a surreal day really.
As soon as I returned home Liana and I called my mom in Tonga. I don't think we needed a phone to hear her happiness and joy from Tonga. She was so excited for me and for my family. She gave me some wonderful counsel and of course told me to give thanks to Heavenly Father for this opportunity. My mom talked a lot about blessing and opportunities and that we are to try and do our best to progress. She counseled me on the importance of obedience as well and to be faithful to what is asked of me. We talked about my dad. Tears were shed. He would have loved this experience. Yet, my mom said that what makes parents happiest is to see their children doing well. I understand that. I enjoy blessings but if I were to see Ileina being blessed and doing well that would make me happiest. I love my mom. She told me how proud she was of me and how proud dad is too, especially because it is something related to music.
After our long conversation I posted it to Facebook for my siblings to see on our private family page. It's easier to share that way.
I still asked everyone to keep it quiet and not share with everyone. It was a very personal experience going through all of this and I wanted to savor it as much as possible. I also wondered if perhaps they made a mistake and sent me someone else's letter. That is just me being negative I guess.
My advice to anyone trying for something that seems impossible: just try. You will never know if you make it or miss it if you never try. You may be surprised. I know I am.