Forbes, Leadership & the Choir
Forbes published an article about the choir and leadership just a few days ago. It's a fascinating article into how to choir works and functions and to be honest, it's amazing all the people behind the scenes that help make things run smoothly.
Read the Forbes article here.
There are more than 5 things I appreciate about choir leadership but I'm going to list 5 for now because I'm nice.
1) I appreciate the way Mack Wilberg conducts rehearsals. I value my time and I know he values his time. Rehearsals are focused and all business. I don't feel time is wasted while I'm at choir and I'm grateful for this. It also allows us time to learn new things. I learned about a hemiola about a week ago. Who knew? Nice to learn things from a master musician.
2) I appreciate the leadership it takes to work with all the people behind the scenes. There is a small army of people behind the scenes. They include: wardrobe, office staff, music librarians, custodians, senior missionaries, camera people, sound technicians, security, etc. Even though there are a lot of people behind the scenes, I show up and all I focus on is music. How wonderful is that?
3) I appreciate that the choir leadership is always mindful of everyone and their circumstances. Things change and circumstances change. Since being in the choir I have seen people have to leave for work, career, family, moving, etc. and there is such a spirit of love and support for everyone when they leave, for whatever reason.
4) I appreciate the adaptability and flexibility of the those in charge. They recognize and adapt to the changing times. The leadership has been very forward thinking in regards to technology. I'm blogging, posting and sharing my experience the way I want. Lots of freedom here. The environment is very supportive and encouraging.
5) I appreciate the openness of those in charge. With so many people in the choir its amazing how comfortable I feel in going to talk to anyone in choir leadership. They are friendly and funny. Seems like the door is always open.
The choir leadership is amazing and I have learned so many things just by observing them. I'm so glad to be here.