1st Rehearsal Down
Last night we had our first rehearsal with all the moving parts of the Christmas Concert.
Think of the different pieces involved in this puzzle.
The Choir, the orchestra, the dancers, the sound engineers, stage crew, costumers, camera men, Santino Fontana and the Sesame Street Muppets which number around 6-7.
Now imagine all those pieces together for 3 hours trying to get things done. Crazy for sure.
We have all been rehearsing our own portions alone and last night we combined forces to run through the concert. Because time is always an issue it is hard to be sure all the moving parts are working when they need to work.
I'll be honest, it's distracting to try and sing and see and hear muppets all around the stage. They are hilarious and fun. They definitely have a magic of their own.
It is my first Christmas with the choir so this is new experience for me.
I would like to say that in the craziness of the rehearsal (there was a lot going on) there was a moment when Mack Wilberg took the podium and he conducted us through "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly" and everything in the hall calmed down. The frenetic energy was gone and in its place was calm and peace. I love moments like that. I posted a video of Mack Wilberg's arrangement of this song sung by the Canto Deo Festival Choir in 2009 at the beginning of this post. Currently there is no version from the choir of this song on it's Youtube page.
I would post pictures but we are forbidden to take or post any pictures of rehearsals so I don't have any. I'm just trying to be obedient.
I'm excited to see how all these pieces come together by tomorrow night. Yes. Tomorrow night is our first rehearsal. Yet, I feel calm as though everything is going to be wonderful.
I was able to share tickets for Sunday's performance with a non-member who posted on Facebook that she would like to listen to the choir before they move out of state. I talked to her today about it and she was so thankful. I'm glad. They will have a great time and hopefully feel the Spirit and plant a seed.
Anyway, I need to go get ready. I have rehearsal again in a few hours.