2016 Central European Tour
My world is a buzz. The choir announced last night that another tour has been scheduled for next summer. Yes, we barely returned from the East Coast tour just two weeks ago and another tour is scheduled for Central Europe. It is the first time the choir has gone on tour internationally in over 18 years.
We were told last Sunday morning before Music and the Spoken Word to come early to rehearsal on Thursday evening for a special announcement. We all met in the Little Theater at 6:30 pm. No one knew what was going to be announced but there was a lot of guessing. Funny how the choir is much like a ward family that way. I did know it was good news. I assumed good news would happen BEFORE rehearsal and bad news would come AFTER rehearsal because who wants to sing with sad feelings. LOL.
Of course, I knew something great was going to be announced when I arrived in the theater. There were three camera in the room. There were also large lights focused on the podium and on the choir members.
First, there was a surprise proposal. A Tenor proposed marriage to an Alto. It was an adorably, awkward proposal.
He went on the stage and called her up. He then pulled out the ring. He got down on one knee. Choir members were cheering and clapping like only crazy, happy people do. He then said, "Will you be my tour roommate?" Everyone laughed. There were cheers. She said, "Yes." They sealed the deal with a kiss. The kiss was encouraged of course by the choir and orchestra members who were going crazy at this point. It was great.
After that announcement we had a prayer and President Jarrett (President of the Choir) took the podium and asked that we turn our phones off or put them away. We did.
He then announced (and the screen showed) that the choir was going to go on tour to Central Europe. It was deafening in the auditorium as people cheered, clapped and stood to their feet in excitement. There was electricity in the air. I just sat in amazement. Was this really happening? Yes.
Two tours in two years. Apparently New York was a warm up for next year.
I can't imagine the logistics in pulling off this international tour. It's going to be an amazing feat to pull it off but it is going to be an amazing tour. To those in Great Britain who have connected with me through this blog and on social media... I'm sorry we are not going to visit you. I hope to someday visit and hear some of the greatest choral music and musicians on another trip.
We rehearsed and there was a lot of discussion afterward about the upcoming tour. Excitement for some and for others the logistical nightmare of trying to figure out how to be gone from work for 20 days or the absence from family and children. I think after the excitement of the moment subsided a bit, people were thinking of how to make this work in their specific situation.
"Tour is not vacation. Tour is work."
I'm sure someone reading this will think I'm crazy to write this down but the reality is that tour is not vacation. Tour is work. There are times to rest during tour but our purpose is to share music and our message and it requires long hours of travel, standing around, odd schedules, lack of sleep, days of missing family and other stresses. Lest anyone thinks tour is all fun and games, it is not. It is work with fun and enjoyment mingled in the mix.This tour will be 20 days. Six days longer than the East Coast Tour. At the end of the East Coast tour we encountered more and more people becoming sick (I attribute it to life on the road), and people with more and more struggles being away from home and loved ones. I can only see my role in the Mental Health Committee as being more active during this tour because it is longer and we are going to different countries. Culture shock is bound to happen. I'm so grateful I can serve in this way. It has been a blessing.
After rehearsal I returned home and talked to Liana. Being absent from Ileina that long would be a new thing for us. She will be 12 years old and I think she will be fine. She shows signs of independence already and think that it may be alright to go. If she were younger, I probably would not go. There was a time I was away from Liana and Ileina when she was first born because of work. Liana lived in Hawaii and I lived in Utah. It was a horrible time and I told myself I would not be away from them like that again. Now that she is older I feel it is alright and this is my calling. Although it is a more complicated decision for members with very small children at home. Also for those who may not be able to get 20 days free from work. It will be interesting to see what happens but I know the Lord is in charge and things will happen the way He wants them to happen. Choir has really taught me that the Lord really is in charge.
This tour announcement is another testament to the ever moving train that is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Next year will be a very busy year. We have the following things coming up: General Conference, Christmas Concerts, Mahler 1. with the Utah Symphony, Messiah Concerts and release of the CD's, General Conference in April, the Movie "Singing With Angels" and the upcoming tour. These are things that I know about but I'm sure more things are scheduled.
There is rarely any time to enjoy something we have just done. We are constantly moving on to the next project or the next concert. We are always moving. The best word I can think of to describe the pace of my choir life at this point is, HASTEN. I consider it a great blessing to be in the choir and I hope that I can keep up.
Who knows, maybe I will get an opportunity to visit a bit with Brother Wilberg. I hope so.
For more information on the upcoming Tour please visit the following link:
Mormon Tabernacle Choir Tour Information on Website