2015 A Year in Review. Wow!

2015 is coming  to a close.  Here is a graphic of things related to my experience in choir during 2015.
This has been my second year. As you can tell, it's been a very busy year. 

When I visited my ward a few weeks ago someone approached me and asked me if I joined the choir in order to avoid a Ward calling because choir is "less" busy. I told him we are just as busy. To be honest, there are many ward callings that are less "busy" than choir. I don't fault him though. It's hard to know how busy it is unless you are actually in the choir. It is its own world in many ways. 

Last year I created a similar Choir Stats sheet for my first year.  It was a lot more simple. This year, it was more complicated so I opted for a different design. There was so much going on that I needed to create something visual  and informative on one sheet and this seemed to work best.

I can see all of 2015 in one glance. It's pretty amazing I'm still standing upright. Wow, there was a lot going on. 

One thing you should know is that everyone in choir has different stats. There are so many factors which include:
  • Attendance
  • Distance in driving to and from events
  • Participation in Chorale (I was required to participate this year which added events)
  • Participation in Events (Tour, Mini Concerts, Funerals, etc.)
  • Personal experiences (singing for the Prince in Tonga, Radio interview, etc.)
These are my personal statistics for the 2015 year.

One day, when I'm retired from choir, I will look at this and think, "How in the world did I do all that?"  What am I talking about? I'm probably going to say that next week. LOL.

2016 looks like things will continue to be as busy as ever. We begin with the Tanner Gift of Music in February with the Utah Symphony, Handel's Messiah in April, the European Tour in the Summer and things all along the way. It's a glorious time to be in choir and I feel so blessed.

I'm grateful for technology. It did 98% of the work keeping track of miles, dates and the schedule. I just plugged in the information to a design and it was done. Easy, peezy, lemon squeezy. 

My thanks and appreciation to my family for all their support this year. I could not have done it without them.

*Clarification on numbers listed.

The numbers in parenthesis include the amount of performances for the item listed. For example, during ACDA we performed 3 concerts so the number is 3. On tour we performed a matinee and during the evening so Bethesda has a 2 next to it.
Songs Performed include sign-on and God Be With You at at the end of performances.
Guest Invited to Sing only include only those I participated with during a performance.
Most Sung Song also includes the times we performed it as an encore during tour which boosted it's number up higher than it probably should be.
Rehearsals Attended includes Chorale, regular rehearsals which were held on Thursday and Sunday morning  as well as after the Broadcast extra rehearsals. It also includes in-service training sessions. Each was counted as one rehearsal.

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