Goodbyes are getting harder, Farewell to Paul
My friend, Paul, had his final broadcast with the choir this Sunday. When I joined the choir five years ago, I met Paul. My wardrobe cubby was right next to his. I knew the first time I met him that we would be friends. His easy-going attitude and fun demeanor made us fast friends. We would eventually continue our friendship in the loft. We would sit by each other for General Conferences, Concerts, Tour, etc. Paul understood my sense of humor. He even encouraged me to share my "feet" video from the 2018 in Seattle, even after someone told me I should never share it. I trust him.
Last week he told a few of us basses he was leaving because he was called as a Bishop. I was sad.
On his final Sunday, I was probably one of the last people to see him in the choir area as I helped him hand in his music to the library. I gave him a hug. I thanked him. I kept my cool.
Then I went to change out of my performance clothing and as soon as I turned the corner I saw it. His wardrobe cubby was empty. That's when I lost it and began to get teary eyed. Did I cry? Yes. I did. I have no shame. He is my friend and I will miss him.
It's hard to explain what kind of a bond we share as choir members. Not with everyone, but with the few we get to know well, we are connected. We know about each other, our lives, our challenges, our interests. We follow up on how things are going with family members. We know what home projects we are working on. We share in a unified effort that connects us in a unique way. Secret jokes. Succinct memories. Spiritual experiences. Paul was a voice I would try and listen to in the loft because he knew the music. He paid attention to details. To have that voice gone will take some adjustment for me.
The longer I remain in choir, the more I realize just how painful goodbye's can be.
And yet, I know Paul is where he needs to be. He is doing what he needs to do. He will be a fantastic Bishop. I look forward to maintaining our friendship beyond choir because he is that kind of a person.
I feel privileged to know such wonderful people who have influenced me for good. I have been extremely blessed.
Here is a post I shared on Facebook and a video I put together. Paul and I have shared so many choir experiences during my time that I couldn't get just one picture to capture my thoughts so Paul got a video treatment. He deserves it.
Enjoy the video.
I hope to be the kind of friend Paul has been to me to others in the choir. He set a good example.