Audition for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir - Phase 1

I was nervous and I was scared. The thought of an audition for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir seemed intimidating.

I sang in choir in High School and some in college but not enough to make me feel like I was good enough to make it. Despite this I wanted to at least try. I figured this would allow me to go through the process at least once and then I could apply again the next year more prepared.

I downloaded the application form from the choir website. The form was simple enough. I had to include a picture of myself. I had to also enclose a CD recording of me singing various things. The application tells you what to sing. I sang a hymn, ran some scales to measure my range, etc. I recorded it on my iphone using headphones then burned it all to a CD. I did not have time for multiple takes so I sent in my first takes. I think this was on purpose. I didn't want time to evaluate my audition or I would take multiple takes. That may have lead to me not even wanting to submit it until it was perfect. I'm grateful I just took the plunge and did it.

I completed everything and mailed it the day before the deadline.

After I dropped the application in the mail I wondered what in the world I was doing. I decided that despite the outcome I would see it through to the end. I felt elated to have at least tried. Yeah for me.

Liana knew I auditioned but I did not want anyone else to know so she was sworn to secrecy.

I received a call a day later from the Tabernacle Office asking for me for one more piece of information for the application. I don't know who the person on the other end of the phone was but the voice was so kind and pleasant. After we hung up the phone I smiled to myself. They had received it. It was no longer up to me at this point. I had done my part and my audition recording was in.

Just FYI.
Anyone can try out for the choir provided they meet the following criteria:

  • They must be an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  • They must receive an endorsement from their Bishop.
  • They must live within 100 miles of the Tabernacle.

If you are interested in trying out, visit their website for more information.

I received notification by mail a few weeks later that I had been selected to participate in the next phase of the audition. The second phase is a music theory test. The date was given and they recommended checking out a workbook from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir office for studying. I picked it up the very next day with Liana and Ileina.

My audition for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was underway and regardless of the outcome, I would see it through as far as I could.

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