
I missed the broadcast yesterday. This is the third time I have missed the broadcast since joining the choir last year.

My attendance last year was really good. I missed only one rehearsal during 2014 and that was for our Family Reunion in Manti.

This year (2015) I missed one week when I traveled to Tonga to pick my mom up from her mission. I missed 2 broadcasts, 1 chorale rehearsal, 1 rehearsal. Yesterday I missed the broadcast.

I need to be sure to take care of myself and to attend more consistently.


But why is attendance important?

I was talking to my friend David (tenor) about attendance and I told him that unlike other callings in the church we can't call anyone to substitute for us. For example, if a Primary teacher can't attend on Sunday, they can always ask someone to fill in for them. If a Bishop can't attend his meetings he can depend on his counselors to carry out the work in his absence.

In the choir we don't have substitutes. We don't have anyone to call to take our place. If someone misses, that seat in the loft is empty. That's it. This is only one reason attendance is important. There are many more.

I watched the broadcast from home, wrapped in my blanket while drinking fluids. The program was beautiful and I wished I could have attended. A special shout-out to those who sent me messages on social media asking where I was because they didn't see me. Thanks for the well wishes.

Regardless, the work goes on. The work always goes on, with or without us. Isn't is so much better to be involved in it rather than watch it go by without us? I think so.

I'm so blessed to be part of this in some small way.

I should be fine though for Tuesday night's chorale rehearsal. 

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