How long to prepare for Conference?

 Despite popular belief the choir doesn't practice the music for General Conference months or even weeks in advance. Try about a week in advance. I think this Conference is an anomaly though. I think last Conference we had a little more time.

This is not because it is not important. Quite the contrary. I honestly think this has more to do with the constant demands for varying projects throughout the year.  This is my own opinion of course. For example, in the past 5 months I have been involved in the following choir related things: Guinness Book Nativity Project, Christmas Concerts, ACDA Concerts, Chorale, Mini-concert with Audra McDonald, Guest Conductors and weekly television broadcasts. It doesn't slow down either. There is a Chorale concert in a few weeks and the East Coast Tour then a Pioneer Day Concert the week after we return. It's wonderfully busy and it's always an adventure.
Last night was only our second rehearsal for General Conference. We will have one more rehearsal before this weekend starts. Last night was the first time I looked at some of the pieces.

It's a scary prospect considering 8 of the pieces for Conference are to be memorized. As a new member, that means extra time to memorize although some of the older members of the choir are also memorizing the music.

Always new things going on and yet the regular things still need to go on. Even last night we arrived an hour early to go over the Mozart Requiem for the Chorale concert in a few weeks. We also still have Music and the Spoken Word broadcast for Sunday as well.

What I should note is there is a beautiful Easter theme this year for Conference. We are also singing, "Consider the Lillies" during the Sunday morning session. This song has special meaning to me and the first time I sang it with the choir it was quite an experience. I sang it for my father's funeral. It was one of his favorite songs. President Monson was in attendance at my father's funeral when I sang it solo. This weekend I will sing the same song with President Monson in attendance but now with 359 of my new friends. I think of the road my life has traveled during the time of his passing 15 years ago up to today. I have been truly blessed. I could never have imagined where I would be but here I am.  The Lord has been very mindful of me and I am so grateful.

You can read about my first experience singing this song with the choir HERE.

I'm really looking forward to General Conference.

Now back to memorizing.

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